'Rocky' joins fight for President
De La Fuente, who also uses his Anglicized name, “Rocky,” is convinced Americans are not ready for another Clinton or Bush dynasty. But he reserves his harshest criticism for GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
De La Fuente accuses Trump of alienating Hispanics, Latinos, Chinese-Americans, Japanese-Americans and women.
“I decided to run as a conservative Democrat, not looking left or right but going forward,” De La Fuente said in a phone interview.
When asked who his campaign manager is, he replied: “Me.”
He owns large tracts of land in Otay Mesa on the Mexican border, numerous commercial enterprises, including buildings in Cincinnati, Ohio and West Palm Beach, Fla., where he plans to open campaign offices. His headquarters here will be on Morehouse Drive near Qualcomm.
But, unlike Donald Trump, who is underwriting his own Oval Office bid, De La Fuente is running a grass-roots race, seeking a donation of $10 from 10 million Americans.
He plans to campaign primarily via social media: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other networking sites. His election web page: Rocky2016.com tells about him and former wife, Katayoun, and their five children.
De La Fuente’s slogan: “We the people need to take back our democracy.”
“I could not have done this four years ago and probably not four years from now,” he said. “The timing is right.”
Full Read about first latino to run for president